IQAC - Best Practices


Best Practices: (1)

(a) Title of the Practice:

Remedial classes for slow learners.

(b) Objective of the Practice:

i)      To help the weak students secure better marks and reduce dropout rates.

ii)   To assist the students in order to achieve expected competencies in core academic
skills such as literacy and numeracy.

iii) To overcome the lack of preparedness.

iv) To understand the explanatory notes.

v)    To help struggling learners shore up their basic skills.

vi) To motivate and enhance the subject knowledge of the students to clear their University examination process.

(c) Context:

i)      The condition of slow learners among the fellow students was treated badly.

ii)   They were not in a position to maintain good rapo in the Teaching faculties in college.

iii) The name and prestige in the society and their house is questionable.

(d)  Practice:

i)      Classes would be organised for three months in under graduation at sixth semester. Each class will be of one hour duration. Students
for remedial classes will be selected on the basis of their Higher Secondary School performance, teachers feedback and internal evaluation. Voluntary interest of students also considered.

(e) Evidence of Success:

i)      Majority of students were able to get pass in their subject and obtained next degrees.

ii)   By clearing all the papers, they would be in a level to compete with other students and maintain status in every walks of their life.

iii) They attained the scope for getting higher jobs in placements.

(f)  Problem Encountered:

i)      Sometimes students not attend the class as properly as they felt that it was guilty.

ii)   Some students did not pay keen interest and attachment to attend the classes.

iii) Some occasions students did not show their full involvement and concentration. However through motivation and encouragement they were
retained in the class for their own well being and development.

(g) Resources required:

Awarenesson students community requires more to join in remedial courses organised by the respective departments. Special care and attention to be paid to differently-abled students and economically weaker sections of the society. Special classes are to be arranged to improve their level of understanding the subject.


Best Practices: (2)

(a) Title of the Practice:

Gender Sensitization Programs.

(b) Objective of the Practice:

i)      Ensuring gender equality in the classroom and campus

ii)   To promote congenital environment for girl students to create a healthy and safe learning scenario.

iii) To emphasize the equality of Women and men in the regard to political representation and participation.

iv) Enhancement of gender roles and Standards for women and men, elimination of restricting standards.

v)    To sensitize the students on gender discrimination

vi) To familiar them regarding the constitutional safeguard for gender equality

vii) To train the youth on the Socio-economic status of women in the state of Tamil Nadu.

viii) To make the girl students in aware of evils viz, Eve-teasing, Ragging, Ridiculing etc.


Girl students are facing a lot of problem in day to day affairs of life. In the college level and classroom, secondary importance was given to them. Image and safety of women is weakened by technological developments in the country as a whole. It is necessary to get aware of evils connected with their in the society.

(d) Practice:

i)      Women and Economy occupies integral part in UG curriculum.

ii)   In addition to that Gender studies inherits significance place in value-added programme.

iii) Special lecture were organised on Gender bias, Empowerment of Women and role of women in society to the students.

iv) One to one interactions, Group Discussions, Experience sharing and review made (ESRM) have been arranged in the classroom focusing on
various problems and challenges to be reckoned by women folk in the society.

v)    As mark of Women’s Day event, successful women in the State and Society are invited to deliver a lecture on important role of women in freedom movement and French Revolution scenario.

vi) On par with men, women are given equal chances and responsibilities in terms of extra-curricular and co-curricular activities.

(e) Evidence of Success:

i)      Witnessed a friendly learning atmosphere among the genders in the classroom and college campus.

ii)   Facilitated a gender sensitive environment enabling women and men to maximize their potentials.

iii) Conducive atmosphere developed to make forum for open dialogue and discussion on gender issues.

iv) Realised the part of evils of the society by the students.

v)    Societal involvement of girls students mounted up.

vi) Attained respected place in all the occasions in the campus.

vii)          Received equal treatment as like men in youth Parliament programme and the like.

viii)        Feedback report analysis resulted the establishment of gender equality and friendly learning environment in the campus.

(f) Problems Encountered:

i)      Find difficulty to motivate them in right directions at occasions.

ii)   Taken time and space to reach the programme more effective at first instance.

(g)           Resources Required:

i)      Needed
more encouragements for their attitudinal change to coexist with others.

ii)   Regular
interaction is required to understand the social barriers against the women.

iii) Counseling
needed to come out from bandages and other aspects.

iv) Mingling
in the achievers would encourage them to reach their target and endurances in

v)    Meeting
with Parents-Teachers would provide feasible and meaningful idea to identify
the issues and requirements of the students.


Other Best practice:

1.     The integration of ICT into academics through ICT-ACADEMY. ICT-ACADEMY promotes faculty development, Skill development, Research & Publications, Digital Empowerment and Industry Interaction, Online Student Development Programme on MS-Office application.

2.     Environmental Awareness preserved, no use of plastic bags in campus, increased tree plantation, use of bicycle increased for conveyance and water management