IQAC - Institutional Distinctiveness

Institutional Distinctiveness

The mission of the college is to provide the student a comprehensive preparation for life. As the students are coming from economically weaker section after society in large number, they were given financial support and assistance through volunteers, non-Governmental Organisations, Alumni Association and philanthropists in addition to the scholarships availed from the Government of Tamil Nadu. The objective is to develop the intellectual caliber and personality development of the students to with stand in the changing pattern of the society. Besides, the college offers and inspiring platform for the students to equip Entrepreneurial ideas. The various competitions conducted in the college tested the multifaceted talent and abilities of the students in a way to reach all-round success and development. Moreover, the college gave an encouragement to make the students self-reliant and independent to explore their own opportunities and to tackle the challenges of life to breed in themselves their strength and spirit to grow with world around them. The change reflected on the students at academic Pursuits, Sports, aesthetic, environmental and ethical values which shaped their life career in a new dimension. Despite the economic backwardness and social milieu, the students are to prepare themselves to acquire face the urgent requirements of the society around them and to improve leadership potential to guide the deprived masses towards a better standard of living by giving due impetus to social justice and democratic citizenship. The cell college and organisations like NSS, NCC, YRC, Alumni gave proper attention to the above-mentioned level of development and achievement with full involvement and commitment to reach their goals.