Code of conduct for students


1.                 Wearing identity card is mandatory inside the campus.

2.                 Usage of cell phones is strictly prohibited. If found using students will have to pay fine and phones will be seized.

3.                 Wear formal dress to college.

4.                 Ensure cleanliness in and around your classrooms.

5.                 Park your vehicles in the vehicle shed.

6.                 Greet your Teachers and seniors when you meet them for the first time.

7.                 Avoid shouting howling, screeching and avoid using abusive language inside campus.

8.                 Refrain from defacing the college walls, classrooms, tables, benches etc.

9.                 Tampering the college property is an offense.

10.            Roaming about the veranda during class hours is restricted.

11.            Look out for the instructions put up in the notice board regularly.

12.            Do not provoke or instigate strikes, protests against our government and collage administration.

13.            Abstain them indulging in harmful activities against students and college.

14.            Do not indulge in malpractice during exams.

15.            Unless summoned do not go to the college office.

Violation of the above rules is punishable under the government education low. The attendance certificate of these students can be withheld; they can also be suspended or dismissed from the collage.